4 Thursdays/Sept. 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2023
Free Box Lunch (@12:00pm) Seminar 12:30-1:30PM
Location: UVA Clark Library 156
This St. Anselm Institute minicourse provides an introduction to the origins and history of the Catholic intellectual tradition. It is no secret that many within secular universities believe that faith and reason are opposed or that authentic faith commitments require a deep partitioning and privatization of these commitments from one's intellectual and professional pursuits. Before sheepishly free-ranging on the authority of these conventional narratives, join us to ponder for yourself, as St. Pope John Paul II did, that "Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth." Prior experience NOT expected, so join us for 4 interesting 1-hour discussions and a free lunch with faculty and other UVA students.
This seminar is made possible through the support of grant #62372 from the John Templeton Foundation, “In Lumine: Promoting the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on Campuses Nationwide."
Sept. 7, 2023: Seminar 1
What is Faith beyond Pizza and Grade-School Catholicism?: The Long Tradition of Catholic Thinking about Faith and Reason
Ratzinger, "Faith and Theology" [pp. 17-28]

Moderated by Jorge Secada (Philosophy) and Jonathan Malesic (Religious Studies), this reading group tackled the essential works the St. Anselm Institute patron.




Reply to Guanilo

On the Fall of the Devil Why God Became Man.

European contact with the “New World” after 1492 is too often portrayed as led exclusively by misguided, self-interested, and tragically violent conquistadors. This series recenters the discussion by offering interested students a free lunch and a first exposure to a different and often forgotten set of important actors: the holy and saintly women of the Americas whose inspiring witness, deep devotion, loving service, and peaceful genius helped carry the good news of Christ throughout North, Central, and South America. Limited seats, so event registration requested. 
UVA location: Clark Library 156; Time: 12:30-2:00pm 
In always mysterious ways, there are some Christians who openly and effortlessly radiate their love for God and for others, repairing the brokenness of the world with their exemplary presence. All give witness in quiet, humble and hidden ways, but the Church in Her Wisdom recognizes only a few in more public ways as a means of encouraging the rest of us. If you have never heard of the life, the works and the joy of Sr. Thea Bowman, then this (free!) lunch discussion is offered especially for you. Invite a friend, but seats are limited, so please register today.
Special visiting guests ValLimar and Frank Jansen will join our lunch discussion.
5 Fridays 10:30am-12:00am 
Sept. 8, 15, 22/Oct. 6, 13, 2023
Location: UVA Clark Library 156
This free, non-credit, faculty-led minicourse is designed for interested UVA students regardless of their study area. Selected readings are short, and there are no papers, quizzes or exams! The course instead invites you to engage with us in thinking across the content of both the Catholic intellectual tradition and the contemporary sciences. Each seminar will begin with brief framing remarks followed by open discussion of a short common reading. Prior experience is NOT expected; only an openness to considering the shared truths of faith and science in new ways. This 5-hour commitment may very well change the way you think about God, yourself, others and the great sciences of the universe! Interested? We hope so, but there’s limited space so register today by filling out this online form!
This seminar is made possible through the support of grant #62372 from the John Templeton Foundation, “In Lumine: Promoting the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on Campuses Nationwide."
Sept 8, 2023: Session 1
Debunking the Conflict Narrative and Other Caricatures of Catholicism and Science
September 15, 2023: Seminar 2
Why Something and Not Nothing? The Science of Physics and the Metaphysics of Creation ex Nihilo

Contact Postdoctoral Fellow Jocelyn Moore for more details on time and location.

Friday, April 28 (6:30 PM), St. Thomas Aquinas (Room 2-4)
The St. Anselm Institute Catholic Novel reading group invites you to join our discussion of Michael O'Brien's widely acclaimed, apocalyptic thriller Father Elijah (1996), an adventure that will hold us on the edge of our seats! 
All are invited to attend, and the Institute will mail a free book to interested UVA students. Email Jocelyn Moore (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
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