Video Archives

Most of the St. Anselm Institute public lectures from 2016 through 2024 are available below in a medium-resolution video format. In addition, here is a link to a low-resolution video copied from a VHS videotape of a 2002 panel discussion covering the origin and nature of the Institute.


2023-24 Public Lecture Series Videos

Paul Scherz, Catherine Moon, and Joseph Davis, “Why the Church and the World Need to Discuss Artificial Intelligence Now,” February 28, 2024

Gavin Flood, “Evolutionary Science, Religion, and Our Human Future,” November 9, 2023


2022-23 Public Lecture Series Videos

Joseph Davis and Sr. Maria Gonzalo, “Our Troubled Minds, Our Anxious Age, and the Ancient Alternative of Cistercian Spirituality: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue,” March 18, 2023

Fr. Ambrose Little, O.P., “Can Rule by AI Be Like Rule by a God?,” March 2, 2023

Meghan Sullivan, “The Good Life Method,” October 13, 2022

Fr. Jason Catania, “Why the Ordinariate?,” September 23, 2022


2021-22 Public Lecture Series Videos

John Dobbins, “Henri Matisse’s Rosary Chapel,” March 24, 2022

Fr. Michael Niba, “Ecclesia in Africa: Africa as ‘Light of the World‘”, December 2, 2021

Jonathan Lunine, “From Mendel to Pope Francis: Evolution from a Catholic Perspective,” November 17, 2021

Ross Douthat, “The Home After the Plague: Family in post-Covid America,” September 22, 2021


2019-20 Public Lecture Series Videos

Mary Hirschfeld, “The Trouble with Money: Aquinas on Desire, Economics, and the Good Life,” January 23, 2020

Denis McNamara, “How to Make a Church ‘Look like’ a Church: Architecture as an Image of Heaven,” October 24, 2019

Fr. John W. O’Malley, “Vatican I: What It Was and Why It Still Matters 150 Years Later,” October 3, 2019


2018-19 Public Lecture Series Videos

Robert Louis Wilken, “Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom,” April 26, 2019

Richard Kearney, “St. Teresa of Avila’s Many Mansions,” April 5, 2019

Rusty Reno, “Christianity in Public Life,” cosponsored with Thomistic Institute and Center for Christian Studies, Feb. 7, 2019

Sr. Prudence Allen, RSM, “The Concept of Women: Newman and the Proof of the Integral Complementarity of Woman and Man,” Jan. 31, 2019

Roberta Ervine, “St. Gregory of Narek: The Newest Doctor of the Church!,” Nov. 29, 2018

Fr. John McNerney, “The Wealth of Persons: Rethinking Economics in Light of the Human Person,” Nov. 8, 2018


2017-18 Public Lecture Series Videos

Reinhard Huetter, “Newman, The University, and its Counterfeit,” A Roundtable Discussion with Tal Brewer, and Alison Weber, April 6, 2018

Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P., “Dominican Brothers: Conversi, Lay, and Cooperator Friars,” Jan. 25, 2018

Fiona Hughes and Peter Walker, “Monteverdi: The Man and His Music,” Nov. 3, 2017

Most. Rev. Wilton Gregory, “We are ALL the Lord’s,” Oct. 23, 2017

David Walsh, “Who and What is a Person?,” Oct. 19, 2017

Kate Hennessy, “Dorothy Day: The World Will be Saved by Beauty,” Sept. 22, 2017


2016-17 Public Lecture Series Videos

Ramon Mujica, “St. Rose of Lima: The First Saint of the Americas,” April 6, 2017.

Reinhard Huetter, “The Development of Doctrine: What It Is and Why It Matters,” November 5, 2016.

Eamon Duffy, “Poussin’s Seven Sacraments: Counter-Reformation, Catacombs, and the Pagan Mysteries,” October 21, 2016.

Bernard McGinn, “St. Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologica: A Masterwork across the Ages,” September 22, 2016.